Newborn Care Specialist

Harmony within your household

From the moment you meet Erin, you will immediately know that you are in the best possible hands as she brings you and your baby into an instant state of calm. She is a grounded and confident professional with over 30 years of experience in the practical side of nurturing the growth and well-being of newborns. This combined with her empathetic and intuitive sense of what each baby needs to be happy and healthy makes her a uniquely capable and desired resource for new parents. 

erin carroll manning newborn care specialists
Erin Carroll-Manning

Newborn Care Specialist, Postpartum Doula

Consultant, Educator

Uncanny ability to

"speak" to babies

Erin’s uncanny ability to “speak” to babies in a way that they can understand, and act as an interpreter between you and your child qualify her as an Intuitive Baby Whisperer. Her expert translation of the emotional language for hundreds of babies has drawn clients to her from all over the United States, which has resulted in 97% of her clients rehiring her for their next birth experience.

With a mastery mentor program through Newborn Care Solutions partnered with her hunger for advanced knowledge in this field, she has furthered her education through a specialization in sleep, a lactation educator’s certification training, a training in lip/tongue ties and mood disorders, and postpartum doula education.

Educating and empowering the entire family

Erin Carroll Manning newborn baby

Whether this is your first child or your fifth, Erin’s goal is to ensure that YOU matter as much as your baby does. She is there to promote harmony within your entire household as you move into a new normal for the “4th trimester” – the time immediately following your baby’s birth.

Part of the full spectrum of care she brings to the table is educating and empowering the entire family to curate a space of joy and celebration, rather than fear and fatigue.

Working with Erin Carroll Manning, the quintessential Intuitive Baby Whisperer, will completely reshape your experience of transitioning into parenthood, and will provide you with the tools to navigate what should be a wonderful time in your life.

She will leav
e you with a deep understanding of what your baby is telling you, and with the structure and education to continue helping your baby eat well, sleep well, and obtain optimal growth. 

Find out more about Erin's magic touch!

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